
Saturday, September 11, 2010

He Works Hard for the Money

In case you were curious what Cameron's job is a picture! This is from the UNM vs Texas Tech game. UNM usual but at least they put points on the board, unlike the Oregon game a few weeks ago.

He found out on Monday that of the footage he filmed on Saturday, 5 minutes of it was used for highlights for the coaches and the local news! 5 minutes may not seem like a lot but in the sports world it is!

He really likes his job. Not only does he film football practice and games, he also films volleyball and soccer games. He was really excited to get this:

All Sports All Access!

Hopefully he will be able to work on the basketball film crew this winter and spring. The UNM Men's Basketball team did really well last year and it would be great to be able to watch them again!


Unknown said...

Awesome! Keep up the good work Cameron...

Audrie said...

Wow, the pass makes Cameron look so important!! It sounds like he will be gone a lot. But the great news is that he is employed!